Trinity Care Foundation

Better Health. Better Education. | CSR initiatives Bangalore Karnataka India | CSR activities Bangalore Karnataka India

CSR Projects implemented in Chikkaballapura District, Karnataka

The UN SDGs provide a common framework and language for addressing the most pressing global issues, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and peace. Achievement of SDGs is not possible through the government effort alone and calls for collective action with the civil society and private sector.

Aligning CSR with SDGs

The alignment of CSR initiatives with the SDGs in India is a powerful concept. It offers a strategic approach to ensure that corporate contributions to society are consistent with global development priorities. Here are some key-ways in which this alignment can be achieved:

  • Focus and Impact.
  • Relevance to Business.
  • Global Citizenship.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships.

Recent Corporate Social Responsibility Projects implemented by Trinity Care Foundation in Chikkaballapura District, Karnataka state can be viewed in the links below ; 👇

ISEIDP in GGHS, Gudibande
ISEIDP in Adarsh Vidyalaya, Gudibande
ISEIDP in Adarsh Vidyalaya, Gudibande
Corporate Social Responsibility Health initiative

Health Camp Inauguration

CSR Partnership !

To help meet your corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals, Trinity Care Foundation (TCF) can create specific project proposals for your organisation. Partner organisations could fund/support to conduct Outreach Programs in Karnataka state, India.

Trinity Care Foundation (TCF) a 16-year old Non-Governmental Organization, has the Trust registration, PAN, TAN, 12AB, 80G, Professional tax and FCRA along with CSR Form 1 under MCA. It is registered with NITI Aayog, Government of India. TCF has registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs for undertaking Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and the registration number is CSR00003858.

Connect with us for implementing CSR Projects in alignment with the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Executed Social Projects by Trinity Care Foundation can be viewed at the link :

Connect with Binu Varghese | Dr. Tony Thomas 👈 💡

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Breathe Free: Unmask the Truth Campaign –  Makes a Mark on World No Tobacco Day 31st May

Breathe Free: Unmask the Truth Campaign –  Makes a Mark on World No Tobacco Day 31st May 2023

Trinity Care Foundation joins forces with BMRCL and Oral Health Experts to raise awareness, promote empathy, and ignite a call to action against the harmful effects of tobacco.

Bangalore, 31-05-2023 – Trinity Care Foundation, in collaboration with the Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) and health experts, conducted a groundbreaking campaign on World No Tobacco Day, Wednesday, 31st May. Under the theme “Breathe Free: Unmask the Truth,” this long and elaborate campaign aimed to shed light on the devastating consequences of tobacco consumption, urging individuals to take proactive steps towards a tobacco-free world.

The campaign was carried out at two strategically chosen locations, the Cubbon Park Metro Station and Majestic Metro Station in Bangalore City to maximize its reach and impact, where the bustling crowds provided an ideal platform to engage with the public and disseminate vital information. Trinity Care Foundation’s dedicated team of volunteers, along with BMRCL officials and health experts, joined forces to create a memorable experience for metro users. Tobacco consumption remains a global public health challenge, affecting millions of lives and posing a significant threat to public health, especially among young people. 

Recognizing the urgency to address this issue, Trinity Care Foundation, a prominent non-profit organization dedicated to transforming lives through healthcare interventions, took the lead in organizing this impactful campaign.

The campaign, spanning throughout the day, witnessed an overwhelming response from the public. Many metro users availed themselves of the informational leaflets and actively interacted with our team, showing great enthusiasm and concern for the cause. This successful campaign effectively conveyed the message that the consumption of tobacco in any form can pose a serious threat to public health, especially the health of young people.

Mr. Binu Varghese, Director of Trinity Care Foundation, expressed his gratitude to BMRCL and the health experts for their invaluable support and dedication in realizing the campaign’s objectives. Also thanked the metro users who actively participated in the campaign, demonstrating their commitment to building a healthier, tobacco-free society. He stated, “Breathe Free: Unmask the Truth campaign aimed to create awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco and inspire individuals to make informed choices. The overwhelming response we received today demonstrates that our efforts have resonated with the public. Together, we can bring about a tobacco-free future and safeguard the health of our community.”

The campaign employed a multi-faceted approach to convey the dangers associated with tobacco consumption. Through engaging posters, interactive sessions, and one-on-one conversations, the team emphasized the detrimental impact of tobacco on various aspects of health, including respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and the increased risk of cancer.

Dr. Pramila, a prominent Oral health expert and campaign volunteer, highlighted the significance of raising awareness on World No Tobacco Day. “Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of preventable diseases and premature deaths worldwide. By conducting campaigns like ‘Breathe Free: Unmask the Truth,’ we aim to empower individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions and protect their health,” she said.

The collaboration between Trinity Care Foundation, BMRCL, and Oral health experts exemplified the power of partnerships in driving meaningful change. By uniting their expertise and resources, the campaign successfully created a platform for dialogue and education, encouraging individuals to reflect on their tobacco habits and take proactive steps towards healthier choices. By leveraging the extensive reach and influence of BMRCL’s metro stations, the campaign reached a diverse audience, including commuters, students, and working professionals. The success of the “Breathe Free: Unmask the Truth” campaign on World No Tobacco Day has inspired Trinity Care Foundation and its partners to further intensify their efforts to combat the tobacco epidemic. The organization plans to continue working in synergy with BMRCL and health experts to organize similar initiatives that foster awareness, and a call to action against tobacco, it vows to continue its tireless efforts in advocating for public health and driving transformative change in society.

Dr. Tony Verghese Thomas., the Managing Trustee for Trinity Care Foundation, emphasized the importance of raising awareness and taking collective action against tobacco. He said, “Breathe Free: Unmask the Truth campaign aimed to break the shackles of ignorance and apathy surrounding tobacco consumption. By engaging with the community and providing accurate information, we aspire to inspire individuals to prioritize their health and make choices that will enable them to lead a smoke-free life.”

Thanking all the team members for their support ;

  1. Indian Dental Association, Bangalore Chapter.
  2. Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India, Karnataka Chapter.
  3. Rotary E-Club of Bangalore Green City.
  4. Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL)

For more information about Trinity Care Foundation social impact initiatives, please contact [ ].

CSR Projects aligned with UN’s SDGs

There is an increasing awareness nowadays of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with the growing concern about developmental issues. Hence, for companies, doing well and doing good simultaneously is of paramount importance.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focus to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all, as part of a new sustainable development agenda. India has also signed the declaration for sustainable development along with other countries. While the government initiatives in India are linked to achieving SDGs !

The spirit of the Companies Act is to ensure that CSR initiatives are aligned with the national priorities and enhance engagement of the corporate sector towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).If SDGs must be achieved within 2030 agenda, all the agents of change should work in harmony – be it governments, communities, companies or non-profits themselves.

The CSR Projects implemented by Trinity Care Foundation are aligned with UN’s sustainable development goals;

Goals 3 : Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Goals 4 : Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Goals 5 : Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Goals 6 : Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Goals 7 : Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Goals 17 :Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

If you are eager to execute turnkey CSR projects as per schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013 that is eligible to receive CSR funding either directly or through an implementing agency that has a track record. Send an email to or call Dr. Thomas +91 9880 39 6666 or Mr. Binu +91 9880 35 8888.

Trinity Care Foundation is a 15 year old charitable organization having PAN, TAN, 12AB, 80G, Professional tax and FCRA. It is registered with NITI Aayog, Government of India. It is National Health Mission Partner in Karnataka, India. Trinity Care Foundation has been registered with MCA for undertaking CSR activities and the Registration number is CSR00003858.

CSR projects implemented :

Covid-19 vaccination drive in Karnataka

Equitable access to safe and effective vaccines is critical to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, so it is hugely encouraging to see so many vaccines proving and going into development. WHO is working tirelessly with partners to develop, manufacture and deploy safe and effective vaccines.

Safe and effective vaccines are a game-changing tool: but for the foreseeable future we must continue wearing masks, cleaning our hands, ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically distancing and avoiding crowds.

Being vaccinated does not mean that we can throw caution to the wind and put ourselves and others at risk, particularly because research is still ongoing into how much vaccines protect not only against disease but also against infection and transmission.

Covid19 Relief in Doddamaralawadi PHC, Karnataka

But it’s not vaccines that will stop the pandemic, it’s vaccination. We must ensure fair and equitable access to vaccines, and ensure every country receives them and can roll them out to protect their people, starting with the most vulnerable.

Trinity Care Foundation has been supporting Covid19 Vaccination Program in 3 Primary Health Centers in rural Karnataka in partnership with Government of Karnataka since June 2021.

If you have any queries or require our services, please contact us @ . For more information regarding our COVID-19 interventions as part of CSR Project, visit . You could implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives for your Company in association with us.

During the First Wave of the Pandemic, Trinity Care Foundation had worked with Karnataka Government in 3 Districts, by providing essential items to the marginalized, medical supplies, PPE Kits to protect front-line healthcare workers. We had conducted Mobile Medical Services during the Pandemic with the Ministry of Health. Visit

Sustainable CSR projects implemented in Karnataka state, India by Trinity Care Foundation can be viewed at :

Importance of Preventive Healthcare

Former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has said ‘India happens to be a very rich country inhabited by very poor people’. It is undeniable that we have come a long way since Independence, especially in terms of GDP growth and economic progress. But, we are still lagging behind in terms of nutrition and health. According to National Family Health Survey-4, nearly 40% of Indian children are stunted. Nearly half of the children are anaemic. The government of both India and Karnataka are making efforts to remedy this grave situation with programmes like the Mid Day Meal scheme, annual deworming programme, Anaemia Mukt Bharat and so on.

It also becomes the responsibility of civil society organisations to supplement the efforts of the government. This is exactly what we, at Trinity Care Foundation, are attempting to do, through our Government Preventive School Health Programme . Along with a team of doctors and paramedical workers, we deliver preventive health care to school children of semi urban and rural Karnataka, through health checkups aimed at detecting anaemia and malnutrition. We also advise medications for common ailments like worm infestations, respiratory illnesses, diarrhoea, skin infections etc., which in turn have a bearing on the nutritional status of the child. We also provide the children with an ophthalmologic examination as well as spectacles for those who have high or low power.

Health Education is also an important part of our programme to ensure that the message reaches home. This becomes especially important due to lack of health awareness among parents in these areas, superstitious beliefs compounding the problem. A paucity of facilities and awareness leads to disregard of hygiene. Several children are more disadvantaged due to their social circumstances. During on the camps, I encountered a boy of 8th standard, living in the school hostel. He had lost his father and his mother lived several kilometers away, leaving him without access to treatment for worm infestation and malnourishment. Thankfully, the school teachers were cooperative in caring for the child.

The importance of preventive health care cannot be overemphasized. Early correction of nutritional imbalances and common ailments positively affects the economic productivity and quality of life of the child as she reaches adulthood. Health education for school children can build a healthy society with a scientific temperament. Children getting exposed to the work that doctors and paramedics may encourage them to take up a career in the healthcare sector. Through our efforts, we hope to contribute to building a healthy and aware citizenry.

~ Dr. Mahima, aspiring public health professional.

If you or your company would like to implement Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Projects for marginalized communities in Karnataka state, India . Write to us @ [ ]

Volunteer to create Value

Volunteering is a vital part of the Trinity care foundation. It roots in our core belief that all individuals have a unique ability to bring lasting change in society. The volunteering emphasizes more in providing awareness about health, give treatment for below poverty line people. Volunteers can work in prevention programs to support the communities affected by the Covid pandemic. If you are devoid of work due to the pandemic, spend your valuable time volunteering. It gives a positive impression on you while applying for a job among other competitive applicants. Level your career to greater heights by volunteering, especially when facing a recession to find a job for your qualification. Casting an idea for upcoming healthcare projects shows your dynamism with our organization.

One of the many volunteer works in Trinity care foundation includes the School Health Program. Are you passionate about upbringing an awareness about health for school children? Then propel your cause along with us.
● Detecting BMI in school-age children is more effective, the onset of pediatric overweight can be prevented. These programs decrease the prevalence of health risk among school-age children and have a positive outcome in academic performance.
● Renew your creativity level by participating in active programs like health awareness talks among school children. Teach the children about the importance of physical activity and maintaining a healthy diet to prevent obesity.
● As a volunteer, you need a multidimensional approach for educating the children about healthy diet and nutrition, to improve cognitive behaviour. Teach the children about the role of food, diet chart and healthy snacks by engaging them in some fun activities and stories. Involve the children to draw their favourite fruit and vegetable and present the picture to their friends. It makes the children more interested to eat healthy foods at home.
● Diseases like stroke, heart disease, cancer occur in adolescent age due to unhealthy lifestyle. Nutrition education is necessary for children to adapt to a healthy and productive lifestyle. It includes listing the food from food groups, ill effects of packed foods, handling the food safely, benefits of calorie intake.
● School children are more vulnerable to diarrhoea due to intestinal worm infection. Teach the children about maintaining the hygiene by proper handwashing habits. You can perform a skit to make children understand easily. It builds a good rapport with children.
● Sugary food consumption like sweets, biscuits, chocolates, soft drinks increases the cavities. Children with caries avoid smiling due to the unpleasant appearance of their teeth. Toothache is the major problem for missing the classes at school. The difficulty in chewing and biting decreases their food intake. Educate the children about the frequency of sugary foods intake, use of fluoride toothpaste to prevent caries.

School Health Program - Health Education

● Sharing the information at a community level makes most of the individuals actively participate.
● The discussion reaches many people at the same time. Volunteers require less time for preparing health talks.
● Many people below the poverty line, lack the confidence to convey their health issues to healthcare providers. Educating the community in the local language creates a bond with the people easily. Also, it is easy to understand the health problems of the locals and convey the messages accordingly.
● Many women are restrained from achieving due to the exposure to communicable and non-communicable diseases. Improving the health of a woman expands the well-being of her family, creating a rise in economic status. As a volunteer, you can motivate people about the importance of health.

Health Camp Venue | Trinity Care Foundation

Many minority groups are at increased risk of getting ill due to unaffordable access to health. If left untreated, the possibilities of mortality are more in this Covid situation. Trinity care foundation’s preventative healthcare is for the people who cannot afford doctor fees and treatment procedures.
● As a medical professional you can volunteer to take preventive measures and conduct premedical screening to reduce the worsening of symptoms and premature death.
● The protocols are strictly followed by Trinity care foundation while managing the suspected and confirmed cases of COVID -19 during the health camps to lower the probability of infection.
● Volunteers and doctors receive guidance and equipments to reduce COVID exposure.
● Understand the medical preference of an individual and involve them in the decisions of their health. This approach is more ‘patient-centered’ and reduces health negligence among marginalized community.
● If you are a future doctor, you gain experience from grounds before medical college by understanding the needs of a community with broader training. Persistent efforts in diagnosing a disease assure you an improvement in your own skills and interests.

Oracle Volunteers during Program

Never hesitate to inform Trinity care foundation, if you are interested in a volunteering position. We won’t know unless you take an initiative. If you wish to volunteer with us in Karnataka, India. kindly click this link and fill the application form ->

Launching Photography Contest to Support Medical Professionals

Shout out from the Fight against Covid19 Project to all Photographers, both amateur and professionals who have experienced the public health emergency in India. In the run up to this year’s World Heart Day for the Supporting Front-line Healthcare Professionals on 29th September 2020. TCF and its project partners bring you a photo contest for you to participate and win exciting prizes. Given the social distancing guidelines necessitated by COVID-19, this year’s celebration of World Heart Day shall be online and also in rural areas, we bring to you online events and contests in which you can participate from home.

World Health Day 2020 at PHC

Read on to know more about the contest guidelines and submit your entries. Contest closes on 15th of September, 12:00pm IST and the winners shall be announced on 29th Sept. 2020!


  1. The participant should be an Indian Citizen
  2. The photograph should be from Covid Pandemic in India
  3. There will be three categories for submission;
    • Hospitals/PHC/CHC/Fever Clinics
    • Outreach Health Programs
    • Medical Professionals and Healthcare Staff
  4. No quad copter /aerial shots are allowed (Drone)
  5. Photographs hurting the sentiments of dependent communities are not allowed
  6. The participant can only submit one photograph in each category
  7. The initial submission can be a low-resolution image. The selected participants will be asked to submit the Raw/ Hi-Res image later.
  8. The file name should be
    For example, the category applying for is PHC, the location of photograph is from Mysore, Karnataka and name of the photographer is Augustine Charles then the file name should be
  9. Winners will be announced publicly during our online [ World Heart Day event (29th September 2020) and on TCF’s social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).

Warranty & Indemnification

By entering the Contest, you warrant that your entry is original, that you are the sole owner and copyright holder of your entry, and that you have not granted exclusive rights to all or part of your entry to any other person or entity. You also warrant that your entry does not violate the right of privacy of any individual; does not infringe any trademark, trade name, trade secret, intellectual property right, or other common law or statutory right; nor does it contain any material that might be deemed offensive or obscene, or that otherwise violates any criminal prohibition or the personal or proprietary rights of any person or entity. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless TCF and its partners from any claims, costs and expenses that TCF may incur arising out of or in connection with your breach of the foregoing warranties.
A panel of judges from public health and communication domains will choose the winner in each category. In addition to a cash prize, all winners will be featured on TCF social media, and stand a chance to have one photograph featured in our 2021 calendar.

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. Ownership and copyright of all entries will be shared by the photographer and the organizers of the photo contest. By submitting an entry, the entrant grants Trinity Care Foundation (TCF) an irrevocable, perpetual, and royalty-free right to use, reproduce, edit, display, transmit, prepare derivative works of, modify, publish and otherwise make use of the submitted entry for any purposes based on their sole discretion.
  2. These rights include, but are not limited to, the right to modify, censor, compress, edit, affix logos to, and to otherwise alter or make use of the submitted entry. Entrant agrees that TCF shall have no obligation to post, display, or otherwise make publicly available the entry, and may, in their sole discretion, remove or delete the entry from the project website, social media platform, or in other published locations.

Each category will receive three prizes (First, Second and Third),
• First Prize: Gift Vouchers INR 5000 / 15 PPE Kits
• Second Prize: Gift Vouchers INR 3000 / 10 PPE Kits
• Third Prize: Gift Vouchers INR 2000 / 5 PPE Kits

The Winners Can Donate the PPE Kits to their own choosing, will courier to your address.

Click Here to Submit your photographs for the contest ->-> <–

For more information on Fight Against Covid19 in Karnataka state, click here >>


Support Front-line Medical Professionals

Fight Against COVID-19

As you know a new respiratory disease called COVID-19 is spreading across the world. India has also reported cases from states and the Government is trying to contain the spread of the disease. As an important citizen, you play a major role in preventing its spread by maintaining Social Distancing, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth & practice respiratory hygiene.

The needs of the hour are working with Government Systems and our teams are supporting public health and other government officials. Your contributions will be allocated as per areas of priority and greatest need in consultation with Government officials. For more detailed information regarding our COVID-19 interventions as part of CSR Initiative, please write to our Covid19 relief team at [ ]

On 27.March.2020, Trinity Care Foundation team provided N95 Masks to the Doctors and other health staff at Bowring & Lady Curzon Hospital – designated Government Hospital for treating COVID-19 patients. Since then supporting Front-line Medical Professionals, Daily Wage Workers and Migrant Labourers & Community Outreach Health Programs.

Trinity Care Foundation was one among the few organisations given authorization by Disaster Management Authority, Karnataka to implement community health interventions during the Pandemic in 2020-2021.

Keeping in view of the spread of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in India, its declaration as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and, decision of the Government of India to treat this as a notified disaster, it is hereby clarified that spending of CSR funds for COVID-19 is eligible CSR activity as per the notification. The MCA said that funds spent on promotion of healthcare, including preventive healthcare and sanitation and on disaster management would be within the definition of a company’s CSR obligations. The circular clarified that the broad based items as per Schedule 7 of the CSR policy, which deals with the activities that constitute CSR activity, may be interpreted liberally for this purpose. We appeal to Companies to come forward at this hour of need to stand for our Nation. Request you to support Front-line Medical Professionals, Healthcare Workers and Marginalized communities as part of your company CSR project during this crisis.

Requirements ~

We are working with Government Hospitals/Community Health Centers/Primary Health Centers in Karnataka where the vulnerable seek healthcare services. It is essential to protect the Doctors, Nurses, Health workers and the Staff at the Hospitals/CHCs/PHCs. Daily wage earners, small business owners and self-employed persons in marginalized communities are facing the brunt of the nationwide lock-down and loss of livelihood. We are supporting them and their families through the provision of ration and basic essentials.

  • Safety of Medical Professionals & Healthcare Staff: Providing Safety Kits to Healthcare workers in Government Health Facilities in rural Karnataka. This is also necessary to ensure that the Doctors/other Health staff does not get infected or transfer the infection to others.
  • Infrastructure at Government Healthcare facilities: Providing Medical Devices at Government Health facilities, to mitigate risk of contamination as well provide treatment. We have provided Medical Services and Healthcare Services as well as hospital equipment on a case to case basis.
  • Community Health Programs: Community-based health care, including outreach and campaigns and outbreak responses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • COVID19 Outreach Program: For Daily Wage Workers and Migrant Labourers with the key objective of helping needy families so that they can at least manage food and other essential items to survive this crisis.
  • Covid19 Vaccination Program for marginalized communities.

You can donate to our COVID relief fund through any of the options shared below –

Indian Donors with a valid Permanent Account Number (PAN) can make a direct bank transfer to (Kindly send local donations only to this account)

Account Name: Trinity Care Foundation
Account Number: 30357136884
Account Type: Savings Account
IFSC / RTGS Code: SBIN0020280
Bank and Branch: State Bank of India, Akshaya Complex, Victoria Road, Austin Town, Bengaluru , Karnataka, India – 560047.


Foreign donors wishing to make a direct bank transfer – (Kindly send foreign donations only to this account)

Account Name: Trinity Care Foundation
Account Number: 40012256688
Name of the Bank and Branch : State Bank of India, New Delhi Main Branch, 11, Sansad Marg, New Delhi -110001
Branch Code: 00691
IFSC / RTGS Code: SBIN0000691
Swift Code: SBININBB104


Donors in India

Contribute for “Fight Against COVID-19” Project, Donate an amount of your choice @


Covid19 Vaccination Program in Karnataka, India.
Covid19 Vaccination Program in Karnataka, India.

You can support Covid Relief as a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative for your Company in association with us, as per Ministry of Corporate Affairs [ Write to us @ to connect].

For more information regarding COVID-19
For authentic information on COVID-19: Kindly visit the WHO website, the Health Ministry, Government of India website.

Sustainable CSR projects implemented in Karnataka state, India by Trinity Care Foundation can be viewed on :

School Health Program | 2018-2019 Internship

Trinity Care Foundation calls for healthcare professionals who are genuinely interested to travel, learn and work in Government Schools in and around Bengaluru, Karnataka.


The internship is open to Doctors and Medical Interns . Above all, we welcome those with curiosity to explore and humility to learn.

Location: Bengaluru city, Karnataka
Languages: English, for those interested to work, ability to converse in Kannada is an added advantage .
Duration: 15.July.2018 to 28.Feb.2019
Last date for application: 15.June.2018; If you know anyone who is interested please ask them to get in touch with us by writing to us. Interested Doctors kindly send your resume to email [] with Subject Line “SHP Doctors”. Interview for shortlisted Doctors will be held in July First week, 2018. Certificates will be provided to those who have successfully completed the internship along with a Stipend.

Boost yourself – If you’re still an graduate looking to apply for medical school, think about how far ahead of the curve you’d be after completing an medical internship! Just by putting that kind of experience on your CV or resume, you’re guaranteed to stand head-and-shoulders above nearly all other applicants.

The internship offers a rare opportunity to work hands-on in schools, learn from pubic health professionals and help those in need of medical attention. The work will focus on issues pertaining to school students and cover health check-up, eye check-up and health education. The internship is for 45 days each.

Type of work

The team will cover government schools in outskirt’s of Bangalore, and undertake the following activities:

  1. Pre-screening of students for height, weight, skin, eye, dental, cardiac, caries, oral lesions, speech and hearing, facial deformities, etc.,
  2. Facilitating medical intervention for those shortlisted through the pre-screening, partnering with existing Government health systems for a sustainable model.
  3. Impart awareness on health issues,adolescent health, hand-washing, ill effects of tobacco and tooth brushing techniques to students of government schools.
  4. Undertake training for teachers and school staff to carry forward the work.
  5. Digital capture of Data of each child.

School Health Programs in Govt. Schools, Visit 

Trinity Care Foundation is a public health organization with track record of 10+ years in priority areas of health. Registered with the Income Tax Department, Government of India under Section 12A and 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs,Government of India under Section 11 (1) of the Foreign Contributions (Regulation) Act (FCRA), 2010. It is also registered with the National Health Mission and NITI Aayog.

Visit to know !


Community Health Camp at Yelachalawadi Village, Karnataka, India

On the 24-February-2018, Trinity Care Foundation conducted a Free Health camp in Yelachalawadi Government School, Kanakapura Taluk, Ramanagara District, Karnataka, India for the General Public. 

Trinity Care Foundation worked in conjunction with Government Health Department officials, Education Department and Gram Panchayath Members to organize this Health event . This was Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of Deluxe India.

Cancer Screening Mobile Unit

Health Workers from villages were directed in advance to escort patients to health camp. In order to spread awareness about the camp, the foundation sensitized the villages and also put up advertisement posters in and around the village.

1. Pediatrics
2. Cardiology
3. Cancer
4. Gynecology
5. Diabetology
6. Ophthalmology
7. Diabetology
8. General Medicine
9. Facio-Maxillo Surgery

Trinity Care Foundation facilitated medical intervention for those shortlisted through the health-screening to higher health centers. The DHO of Ramanagara District, Taluk Health officer of Kanakapura Taluk, Medical Officer of Maralwaddi PHC along with staff and ASHA’s were present for the health program. 

A team of 15 Medical professional [ General Physicians, Dentists & Ophthalmologists], 6 Nurses, 9 support staff, 6 Volunteers [ Maximus, Sagar, Jagadish, Roser and Anil ] from Deluxe India and One Volunteer [ Ajay ] from Oracle India set out from Bangalore early in the morning and arrived at Yelachalawadi Government School, the site of the camp at around 10:15 am. Rtn. S. Jayaraman from Nayana Jyothi Trust also was part of the program. The Village is 78 Kilometers from Bangalore City towards Harohalli on Kanakapura route.
Trinity Care Foundation distributed Free medicines, conducted RBS Test, ECG & ECHO, provided Dental Treatments and distributed Oral Health Kits. A referral for Eye care, Cancer, Cardiac and School Health Program system is in place. 345 Individuals were examined for various Health Issues.

Corporate Social Responsibility is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. CSR is generally understood as being the way through which a company achieves a balance of economic, environmental and social imperatives (“Triple-Bottom-Line- Approach”), while at the same time addressing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders. In this sense it is important to draw a distinction between CSR, which can be a strategic business management concept, and charity, sponsorship’s or philanthropy. Even though the latter can also make a valuable contribution to poverty reduction, will directly enhance the reputation of a company and strengthen its brand, the concept of CSR clearly goes beyond that.

If you Would love to Partner or Volunteer/Intern with Trinity Care Foundation for CSR initiatives focusing on underserved areas in Karnataka State. Write to us :- E-mail: [ ] . Trinity Care Foundation has been actively supporting critical community health for over 10 years, hence meets these requirements. Get in touch now and make Trinity Care Foundation your partner for promoting healthcare, Visit 

For further discussion, please get in touch with Mr. Binu Varghese at [ ] or +91 9880 35 8888 .

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